Learning To Cope With Cowardice
—October.1.2018 15:54:04
Amazon Apple Music/iTunes Spotify Tower Records HMV

Mark Stewart and The Maffia
Learning To Cope With Cowardice
2019. 1.25 OUT
CD TRCP-237~238
2,500円(税抜) *CD二枚組 デジタルはそれぞれ一枚づつリリース。
CD 1 / Learning To Cope With Cowardice
1. Learning To Cope With Cowardice
2. Liberty City
3. Blessed Are Those Who Struggle
4. None Dare Call It Conspiracy
5. Don’t You Ever Lay Down Your Arms
6. The Paranoia of Power
7. To Have The Vision
8. Jerusalem
CD 2 / The Lost Tapes
1. Intro
2. May I
3. Conspiracy
4. Jerusalem [prototype] 5. Paranoia
6. Liberty Dub
7. Vision
8. Cowardice Dub
9. High Ideals & Crazy Dub
10. The Weight
Amazon Apple Music/iTunes Spotify Tower Records HMV
i’m so tired…
Archival 1973 to 1977